Why Your Pet Needs Regular Checkups

Your pet might seem healthy all the time, but they still need regular check-ups just like humans. Here’s why these are a necessity to keep your pet healthy and safe.   Pets are still animals, and still have the “survival of the fittest” mentality. They don’t want to show weakness for fear of being in danger. A veterinarian can catch …

5 Essential Dog Care Tips

Owning a dog is an exciting thing! However, you want to make sure you are caring for your dog properly so they are healthy and happy. Follow these five dog care essentials: Spay or neuter your dog Dogs who have this routine surgery tend to live longer, be healthier and have fewer behavior problems (e.g., biting or running away). By spaying or …

Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pets

Accidents happen, and sometimes your pet might get into food or other substances that they should not ingest. If that happens, call our veterinarian office ASAP. Your animals should not be fed any of the following foods: Alcohol Chocolate. Note that darker chocolate is more dangerous than milk chocolate. Coffee Caffeine Citrus (specifically the stems, leaves, peels, and seeds) Coconut …

How to Care for Older Cats

If your cat is getting older, you might notice some changes. Just like humans, as cats age, the amount of care they need will increase, particularly with their diet and nutrition. As cats age, they often do not eat a high enough volume of food to maintain a healthy weight. To combat this, you should provide access to fresh food …

Pet First Aid Tips

If you believe your pet has fractured a bone, here’s what to do: Muzzle your pet. Gently lay your pet on a flat surface for support. While transporting your injured pet to a veterinarian, use a stretcher (you can use a board or other firm surface as a stretcher, or use a throw rug or blanket as a sling). If …

What To Do When You Find A Lost Pet

If you find an animal that looks lost, proveed with caution. Lost pets may be frightened or injured, and they may be unpredictable. Crouch the to animal’s level and stretch our your hand with a treat or food. Pay attention to their body language, and back away slowly if they show signs of aggression. Call animal control or police department …

How to Avoid Heat Exhaustion for Your Dog

Summer time can be risky for pets, who are highly susceptible to heat exhaustion. You might not realize how hot it is, until its too late.   It’s important to keep a close eye on your dog as temperatures rise. They need shade, they also need to always have clean, cool water. If a dog’s temperature reaches 108 degrees, they …

How to Deal With The Loss of a Pet

The death or loss of a pet can be a traumatic experience and result in grief and bereavement. Taking time to recover from a pet’s death is very important for your well-being. It is important to recognize the depth of feelings of the loss. Your pet may have been with you through the ups and downs in life and may …

Foods For Pets to Avoid at a Barbecue

It’s summer, which means its cookout season! Your dog will likely want to tag along to all your backyard barbecues, but there are some hazards lurking that you’re probably not aware of. Keep your dog safe this summer and avoid these common barbecue foods:   Hot Dogs Hot dogs are packed with tons of salt and preservatives, both in levels …

Summer Pet Care Tips

Summer is right around the corner, and your pet needs to be prepared just as much as you! In the heat and hubbub of summer vacation, your pet’s safety could be at risk. Here are some summer pet tips:   Watch the heat. Your pet is just as influenced by heat as you. Don’t take your dog for a walk …