Guide to Cat Body Language

Your cat doesn’t just use purrs and meows to communicate – they use their whole body. Read this quick guide to understand how your cat is feeling or what they’re trying to tell you. Pay attention to your cat’s eyes, ears, body and tail—they’re all telling the story. Here are some basic clues: Ears Forward: alert, interested or happy Backward, …

Guide to Pet Allergies

Pets can get allergies just like humans. And because they spent much more time rolling and climbing around grass, flowers, and plants, they can actually have a worse reaction than their owners. Pet allergy symptoms can be the same as humans: coughing, sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes. It can also cause itchy ears and eyes, which may make your pet …

How to Care for Older Cats

If your cat is getting older, you might notice some changes. Just like humans, as cats age, the amount of care they need will increase, particularly with their diet and nutrition. As cats age, they often do not eat a high enough volume of food to maintain a healthy weight. To combat this, you should provide access to fresh food …

5 Tips To Keep Your Cat Happy Indoors

During cold winters, it’s advised to keep your cat inside. Your cat needs your help so they stay active even while they’re indoors. -Cat Tree A cat tree provides great climbing opportunities, plus vantage points to check out what the family is doing. Place it next to a window so your cat can see the outdoors. -Play Time Play with …